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2024 Jefferson City Jaycees Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 301-350 of 1027
Results last updated at: 12/23/2024 10:58 AM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / HF: Move Across Missouri
229 Stapp, Liam 787 Poster Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / HO: Floriculture
117 Anderson, Beatrice 366 Sunflower Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / HO: Gardening
69 Pistel, McCoy 166 Vegetable Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
69 Pistel, McCoy 167 Vegetables Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
113 Volmert, Sydney 341 lavender (herb) Red Cole St. Thomas 4-H
113 Volmert, Sydney 342 rosemary (herb) Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole St. Thomas 4-H
113 Volmert, Sydney 343 Greek oregano (herb) Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole St. Thomas 4-H
113 Volmert, Sydney 344 spearmint (herb) Blue Cole St. Thomas 4-H
113 Volmert, Sydney 345 dill (herb) Blue Cole St. Thomas 4-H
113 Volmert, Sydney 346 sage (herb) Blue Cole St. Thomas 4-H
113 Volmert, Sydney 348 cilantro (herb) Blue Cole St. Thomas 4-H
113 Volmert, Sydney 354 basil (herb) Blue Cole St. Thomas 4-H
152 Volmert, Jesse 484 cherry tomato Blue Cole St. Thomas 4-H
161 Gardner, Emma 531 tomatoes Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Stringtown-Corinth
161 Gardner, Emma 532 cucumbers Red Cole Stringtown-Corinth
225 Rackers, Emmett 731 Butternut squash Blue Cole St. Thomas 4-H
236 Nilges, Ava 802 Cherry tomatoes Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
237 Nilges, Blaine 806 Black cherry tomatoes Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
273 Stammer, Emmett 920 Blackberries Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
276 Stammer, Ethan 927 Blackberries Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
275 Stammer, Emily 951 Blackberries Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
277 Stammer, Elise 974 Raspberries Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
277 Stammer, Elise 975 Blackberries Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
192 Holtgrewe, Adrian 1240 Sun Gold cherry tomatoes Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Stringtown-Corinth
357 Lehmen, Lacey 1248 Vegetable Red Cole Osage Bend Cloverleafs
357 Lehmen, Lacey 1249 Vegetable Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Osage Bend Cloverleafs
358 Lehmen, Maggie 1265 Vegetable Blue Cole Osage Bend Cloverleafs
358 Lehmen, Maggie 1266 Vegetable Blue Cole Osage Bend Cloverleafs
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / KN: Knitting
117 Anderson, Beatrice 367 Hat Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
240 Jacquin, Callista 815 Washcloth Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Osage Bend Cloverleafs
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / PE: Pets
64 Rollins, Waylon 145 Retriever Breeds Book or Poster Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Stringtown-Corinth
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / PH: Photography
53 Albert, Kinley 89 Sunset Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
53 Albert, Kinley 90 Snake Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
53 Albert, Kinley 91 Trout Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
53 Albert, Kinley 92 Frog Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
64 Rollins, Waylon 146 Bunny White Cole Stringtown-Corinth
64 Rollins, Waylon 147 Bark White Cole Stringtown-Corinth
64 Rollins, Waylon 148 Trees Red Cole Stringtown-Corinth
64 Rollins, Waylon 149 "Totes Ma Goats" Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
64 Rollins, Waylon 150 Dog White Cole Stringtown-Corinth
64 Rollins, Waylon 151 Flowers Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
64 Rollins, Waylon 152 Snail Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Stringtown-Corinth
64 Rollins, Waylon 153 Laney White Cole Stringtown-Corinth
64 Rollins, Waylon 155 Ducks Red Cole Stringtown-Corinth
68 VanderWert, Mari 164 Beginner photography- nature photograph Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Brazito Eager Elves 4-H Club
69 Pistel, McCoy 168 Farm Picture Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
98 Graham, Bayley 260 Me and my pig 'Pumpkin' - color White Cole Stringtown-Corinth
98 Graham, Bayley 261 Boat on pond - black & white Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
98 Graham, Bayley 262 Feeding time for Eli the Clydesdale - black & white Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
98 Graham, Bayley 263 closeup mushroom - black & white Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth