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2024 Jefferson City Jaycees Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 251-300 of 1027
Results last updated at: 12/23/2024 10:58 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / CK: Clover Kids
220 Stapp, Conor 746 TBD Blue Cole Cole County Clover Kids
255 Clark, Baelor 863 Sand art Blue Cole Brazito Eager Elves 4-H Club
255 Clark, Baelor 864 Arts and crafts Blue Cole Brazito Eager Elves 4-H Club
325 Bond, Cobin 1154 Pepper Plant Blue Cole Brazito Eager Elves 4-H Club
325 Bond, Cobin 1155 Arts and Crafts Blue Cole Brazito Eager Elves 4-H Club
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / CL: Sewing
76 Stubinger, Madeline 180 HORSE WALL HANGING Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Stringtown-Corinth
275 Stammer, Emily 946 Embroidery Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / CR: Crochet
59 Meyer, Miranda 123 Crocheted Triceratops Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole St. Thomas 4-H
240 Jacquin, Callista 817 Crocheted bag Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Osage Bend Cloverleafs
269 Wolken, Ava 900 Washcloths Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Osage Bend Cloverleafs
275 Stammer, Emily 955 Octopus Big Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
275 Stammer, Emily 956 Octopus small Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
275 Stammer, Emily 957 Hat Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / DG: Dog
147 Suess, Madisyn 456 Service Dog Leash Wrap Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Brazito Eager Elves 4-H Club
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / EL: Electricity
200 Schroeder, Marshal 1021 lighting Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / EN: Entomology
114 Anderson, Elliot 355 Moth Specimen Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / FN: Breads
229 Stapp, Liam 782 Banana Bread Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Stringtown-Corinth
229 Stapp, Liam 785 Irish Soda Blue State Fair Alternate Exhibit Cole Stringtown-Corinth
236 Nilges, Ava 801 Sourdough Cinnamon rolls Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
275 Stammer, Emily 949 Cinnamon roll - Schnecken Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
277 Stammer, Elise 973 Schnecken - cinnamon roll Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
192 Holtgrewe, Adrian 1238 Chocolate chip banana bread Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
192 Holtgrewe, Adrian 1239 Strawberry-Blueberry Muffins Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Stringtown-Corinth
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / FN: Foods
172 Tallent, Hannah 565 Snickerdoodle Cookies Blue State Fair Alternate Exhibit Cole St. Thomas 4-H
173 Tallent, Francie 572 Homemade Resees Bar Blue Cole St. Thomas 4-H
163 Cain, Natalie 575 Cookie Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Brazito Eager Elves 4-H Club
175 Cain, Joseph 579 Cookies Blue Cole Brazito Eager Elves 4-H Club
174 Ziegelbein, Lydia 639 Snickerdoodle Cookies Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
174 Ziegelbein, Lydia 640 Blueberry Muffins Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
223 Kautsch, Kambrie 724 Monster Cookie Bars Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Stringtown-Corinth
225 Rackers, Emmett 730 Banana bread Blue Cole St. Thomas 4-H
229 Stapp, Liam 780 Chex Mix Blue Cole Stringtown-Corinth
137 Libbert, Cami 1148 Peanut Butter Resees Pieces Easy Peasy Cookies Blue Cole St. Thomas 4-H
357 Lehmen, Lacey 1247 Baked goodie Blue Cole Osage Bend Cloverleafs
358 Lehmen, Maggie 1264 Baked goodie Blue Cole Osage Bend Cloverleafs
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / FN: International Foods
276 Stammer, Ethan 926 Cookbook Red Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / FP: Boiling Water Canning
213 Farris, Dane 695 Peach Jam Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Stringtown-Corinth
225 Rackers, Emmett 729 Strawberry jam Blue Cole St. Thomas 4-H
236 Nilges, Ava 800 Water bath orange marmalade Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Stringtown-Corinth
276 Stammer, Ethan 925 Plums Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
275 Stammer, Emily 948 Canned fruit Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
277 Stammer, Elise 972 Fruit Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
224 Sullivan, Lydia 1050 Strawberry Rhubarb Jam Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Stringtown-Corinth
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / FP: Drying
273 Stammer, Emmett 918 Dried apples Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
276 Stammer, Ethan 924 Mango Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
275 Stammer, Emily 947 Fruit Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
277 Stammer, Elise 971 Apples Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
224 Sullivan, Lydia 1051 Freeze drying, fruits and vegetables Blue State Fair Exhibit Cole Stringtown-Corinth
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / GE: Global Education
228 Stapp, Soren 761 Poster- Japan Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club
Exhibit Building / 4-H Exhibits / HF: Move Across Missouri
228 Stapp, Soren 763 Poster Blue Cole Ambassadors 4-H Club