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2024 Fremont County 4-H/FFA Fair

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Viewing records 551-600 of 895
Results last updated at: 12/23/2024 10:50 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
FFA Fair / Rabbit / Breeding Rabbit / 280175: Other – Breeding Pairs
62 Korver, Ryan 746 Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
FFA Fair / Rabbit / Meat Rabbit / 28300: Individual Fryers
4 Rasmussen , Charles 568 Grand Champion Fryer - Rosette, Reserve Champion Overall Meat Rabbit Fremont Riverside Rockets
4 Rasmussen , Charles 568 Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
4 Rasmussen , Charles 571 Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
70 Adkisson, Victoria 1104 Blue Fremont Silver Skylarks
70 Adkisson, Victoria 1106 Reserve Champion Fryer - Rosette Fremont Silver Skylarks
70 Adkisson, Victoria 1106 Blue Fremont Silver Skylarks
71 Adkisson, Luke 1114 Blue Fremont Silver Skylarks
71 Adkisson, Luke 1288 Blue Fremont Silver Skylarks
70 Adkisson, Victoria 1292 Blue Fremont Silver Skylarks
FFA Fair / Rabbit / Meat Rabbit / 28302: Individual Roasters
13 Johnson, Levi 262 Reserve Champion Roaster - Rosette Fremont Fremont County Fletchings
13 Johnson, Levi 262 Purple Fremont Fremont County Fletchings
29 Covert, Elizabeth 398 Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
64 Adkisson, Michelle 1079 Grand Champion Overall Meat Rabbit, Grand Champion Roaster - Rosette Fremont Silver Skylarks
64 Adkisson, Michelle 1079 Purple Fremont Silver Skylarks
71 Adkisson, Luke 1113 Blue Fremont Silver Skylarks
64 Adkisson, Michelle 1289 Blue Fremont Silver Skylarks
64 Adkisson, Michelle 1290 Blue Fremont Silver Skylarks
FFA Fair / Rabbit / Meat Rabbit / 28304: Pen of Three Fryers
70 Adkisson, Victoria 1105 Blue Fremont Silver Skylarks
4 Rasmussen , Charles 1195 Grand Champion Pen Of Three Meat Rabbit Fremont Riverside Rockets
4 Rasmussen , Charles 1195 Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
FFA Fair / Rabbit / Meat Rabbit / 28305: Pen of Three Roasters
64 Adkisson, Michelle 1080 Reserve Champion Pen of Three Meat Rabbit Fremont Silver Skylarks
64 Adkisson, Michelle 1080 Blue Fremont Silver Skylarks
FFA Fair / Rabbit / Rabbit Showmanship / 28900: Rabbit Showmanship-Sr.
61 Korver, Claire 313 Grand Champion Senior Rabbit Showman Fremont Riverside Rockets
61 Korver, Claire 313 Purple Fremont Riverside Rockets
62 Korver, Ryan 314 Reserve Champion Senior Rabbit Showman Fremont Riverside Rockets
62 Korver, Ryan 314 Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
70 Adkisson, Victoria 1101 Red Fremont Silver Skylarks
36 Alley, Lana 1175 Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
FFA Fair / Rabbit / Rabbit Showmanship / 28902: Rabbit Showmanship-Int.
13 Johnson, Levi 255 Grand Champion Intermediate Rabbit Showman Fremont Fremont County Fletchings
13 Johnson, Levi 255 Purple Fremont Fremont County Fletchings
29 Covert, Elizabeth 393 Red Fremont Riverside Rockets
4 Rasmussen , Charles 544 Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
64 Adkisson, Michelle 1088 Reserve Champion Intermediate Rabbit Showman Fremont Silver Skylarks
64 Adkisson, Michelle 1088 Blue Fremont Silver Skylarks
FFA Fair / Rabbit / Rabbit Showmanship / 28904: Rabbit Showmanship-Jr.
71 Adkisson, Luke 1112 Grand Champion Junior Rabbit Showman Fremont Silver Skylarks
71 Adkisson, Luke 1112 Purple Fremont Silver Skylarks
FFA Fair / Say It, Set It, Strut It / Say It (Communications) / 13101: Junior Educational Presentation
60 Korver, William 349 Purple Selected for State Fremont Riverside Rockets
FFA Fair / Say It, Set It, Strut It / Say It (Communications) / 13103: Senior Educational Presentation
97 Martin, Abigail 733 Purple Selected for State Fremont W.M.P.
FFA Fair / Say It, Set It, Strut It / Say It (Communications) / 13106: Senior - Extemporaneous Speaking
88 Howe, Lillian 546 Purple Fremont Riverside Rockets
98 Martin, Nora 734 Purple Selected for State Fremont W.M.P.
FFA Fair / Say It, Set It, Strut It / Set It (Table Setting) / 13201: Junior Casual
30 Johnson, Brayton 431 Grand Champion Jr. Casual Tablesetting Fremont Riverside Rockets
30 Johnson, Brayton 431 Purple Fremont Riverside Rockets
57 Branson, Ryleigh 783 Purple Fremont W.M.P.
FFA Fair / Say It, Set It, Strut It / Set It (Table Setting) / 13203: Senior Casual
6 Maher, Summer 955 Grand Champion Sr. Casual Tablesetting Fremont W.M.P.
6 Maher, Summer 955 Purple Fremont W.M.P.
37 Lemonds, Wyatt 1027 Purple Fremont Riverside Rockets
36 Alley, Lana 1031 Purple Fremont Riverside Rockets
FFA Fair / Say It, Set It, Strut It / Set It (Table Setting) / 13205: Intermediate Formal
28 Schaaf, Madelynn 417 Grand Champion Int. Formal Tablesetting Fremont Riverside Rockets
28 Schaaf, Madelynn 417 Purple Fremont Riverside Rockets