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2024 Fremont County 4-H/FFA Fair

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Viewing records 801-850 of 895
Results last updated at: 12/23/2024 10:50 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
FFA Fair / Static / Horticulture / 10505: Herbs / 1050502: Garlic, 3 sprigs in bottle of water
94 Shiner, Carter 1236 Garlic Blue Fremont Silver Skylarks
FFA Fair / Static / Horticulture / 10505: Herbs / 1050504: Any other individual herb, 3 sprigs in bottled water
25 Lang, Rylee 680 Chamomile Purple Fremont Silver Skylarks
FFA Fair / Static / Horticulture / 10505: Herbs / 1050505: Collection of 4 different herb species to be displayed in separate bottles of water
17 Shiner, Noah 1231 Herbs Purple Fremont Silver Skylarks
94 Shiner, Carter 1235 Herbs Purple Fremont Silver Skylarks
FFA Fair / Static / Personal Development / 10510: Citizenship and Civic Engagement
27 Schaaf, Blake 203 Food Drive Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
35 Stenzel, Nathan 208 Mission Trip to Africa Purple Selected For State Fremont Washington P.E.P.
48 Hensley, Madison 240 Blue Fremont Silver Skylarks
61 Korver, Claire 305 Food Collection for Tabor Food Pantry Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
84 Howe, Noah 484 Trick or treating for Tabor Food Pantry- Group project Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
88 Howe, Lillian 554 Library in Thurman Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
51 Casey, Max 656 TBD Purple Fremont Fremont County Fletchings
52 Casey, Gabriel 657 TBD Purple Fremont Fremont County Fletchings
97 Martin, Abigail 717 CWF Project Purple Selected For State Fremont W.M.P.
98 Martin, Nora 727 CWF Project Purple Selected For State Fremont W.M.P.
9 Avey, Cooper 835 Food Drive Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
47 Ward, Ellie 945 Presentation on Batten disease and a trip to St Louis Blue Fremont Riverton Fisher 4-H Club
6 Maher, Summer 958 Glamour Gals tri-fold Purple Considered For State Fremont W.M.P.
39 Roberts, Margaret 977 CWF Purple Fremont Fremont County Fletchings
36 Alley, Lana 1058 Trick or Treat Food Drive Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
58 Hall, Jenna 1087 Citizenship Project Purple Considered For State Fremont Washington P.E.P.
FFA Fair / Static / Personal Development / 10530: 4-H Poster Communication Exhibit
47 Ward, Ellie 1074 4-H Scarecrow Poster Blue Fremont Riverton Fisher 4-H Club
FFA Fair / Static / Personal Development / 10560: Self-Determined
101 Fichter, Angelique 848 Recycleing a toddler bed Blue Fremont Washington P.E.P.
FFA Fair / Static / Science, Engineering, & Technology / 10618: Welding
74 Whitehead, Josef 384 shoe rack Purple Lean, Mean, and Green Award Fremont Fremont County Fletchings
74 Whitehead, Josef 385 cup holder Purple Lean, Mean, and Green Award Fremont Fremont County Fletchings
58 Hall, Jenna 1090 Welding Project Purple Fremont Washington P.E.P.
FFA Fair / Static / Science, Engineering, & Technology / 10620: Woodworking
60 Korver, William 315 Flag Blue Theme of the Year Award Fremont Riverside Rockets
66 Juel, Kaiden 322 Shelf Purple Fremont Riverside Rockets
30 Johnson, Brayton 435 Trophy and Medal Display Purple Fremont Riverside Rockets
84 Howe, Noah 485 saddle rack Purple Lean, Mean, and Green Award Fremont Riverside Rockets
47 Ward, Ellie 946 Entryway table Purple Selected For State Fremont Riverton Fisher 4-H Club
109 Simmons, Sheyanne 1147 Shelf Blue Fremont Riverton Fisher 4-H Club
109 Simmons, Sheyanne 1148 Project 2 Purple Fremont Riverton Fisher 4-H Club
FFA Fair / Static / Science, Engineering, & Technology / 10630: Science, Engineering, & Technology
54 Casey, Isaac 673 Iron Fighter Jet Red Fremont Fremont County Fletchings
FFA Fair / Swine / Market Swine / 24000: Market Gilt
88 Howe, Lillian 556 Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
96 Schaaf, Jaden 703 Grand Champion Market Gilt, Overall Reserve Champion Market Swine Fremont Riverside Rockets
96 Schaaf, Jaden 703 Purple Fremont Riverside Rockets
40 Roberts, Joseph 1000 Blue Fremont Fremont County Fletchings
40 Roberts, Joseph 1001 Blue Fremont Fremont County Fletchings
113 Jones, Cash 1191 Reserve Champion Market Gilt Fremont Riverton Fisher 4-H Club
113 Jones, Cash 1191 Blue Fremont Riverton Fisher 4-H Club
113 Jones, Cash 1192 Blue Fremont Riverton Fisher 4-H Club
FFA Fair / Swine / Market Swine / 24002: Market Barrow
9 Avey, Cooper 181 Grand Champion Market Barrow, Overall Grand Champion Market Swine Fremont Riverside Rockets
9 Avey, Cooper 181 Purple Fremont Riverside Rockets
88 Howe, Lillian 555 Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
5 Schaaf, Brody 698 Purple Fremont Riverside Rockets
96 Schaaf, Jaden 704 Blue Fremont Riverside Rockets
45 Laumann, Alexis 807 Reserve Champion Market Barrow Fremont Washington P.E.P.
45 Laumann, Alexis 807 Purple Fremont Washington P.E.P.
45 Laumann, Alexis 808 Blue Fremont Washington P.E.P.
46 Laumann, Grant 816 Blue Fremont Washington P.E.P.