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2024 Bedford County Fair

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Viewing records 1001-1050 of 3430
Results last updated at: 12/23/2024 10:42 AM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
10: Junior Horse and Pony / Contest / 34: Bowtie Ponies (Over 13.2 Under 14.2)
17 Clark, Ashelyn 53 Red Bedford Kids-N-Kritters
25 McConnell, Genevieve 100 Brown Bedford Kids-N-Kritters
78 Sewalk, Olivia 424 Pink Bedford Wills Mountain Riders
103 Pepple, Aaliyah 784 White Bedford Southern Cove Oinkers
232 Foote, Jayden 1746 Purple Ghost Riders
128 Esbenshade-Fritz, Sharlotte 1856 Blue Clover Pride
272 Gates, Isabella 2300 Yellow
126 Appel, Piper 3089 Green Wills Mountain Riders
10: Junior Horse and Pony / Contest / 35: Bowtie Ponies (Under 13.2)
358 Ewing, Emma 3247 Blue Ridge Riders
159 Kennard, Ariah 3796 White Ghost Riders
452 Whisel, Sabrina 4233 Red Wills Mountain Riders
199 Poole, Valerie 6621 Yellow Bedford
10: Junior Horse and Pony / English and Saddle Seat / 18: English Pleasure Futurity
130 Esbenshade-Fritz, Shelvia 6539 Blue
10: Junior Horse and Pony / English and Saddle Seat / 53: Dressage (walk, trot / jog, canter / lope)
95 Pratt, Claire 1930 Red Bedford Ghost Riders
248 Evans, Sadie 1952 Green Ghost Riders
155 Fiorentino, Enzo 2010 White Bedford Ghost Riders
156 Echeverria, Ava 2079 Yellow Bedford
128 Esbenshade-Fritz, Sharlotte 2235 Blue Clover Pride
272 Gates, Isabella 2308 Pink
232 Foote, Jayden 2484 Purple Ghost Riders
159 Kennard, Ariah 3404 Brown Ghost Riders
10: Junior Horse and Pony / English and Saddle Seat / 54: Saddle Seat Pleasure
267 Clapper, Madison 2347 Blue Wills Mountain Riders
126 Appel, Piper 4445 Red Wills Mountain Riders
10: Junior Horse and Pony / English and Saddle Seat / 55: Saddle Seat Equitation
267 Clapper, Madison 2348 Blue Wills Mountain Riders
126 Appel, Piper 4446 Red Wills Mountain Riders
10: Junior Horse and Pony / English and Saddle Seat / 56: Hunter Under Saddle Horses
202 Nicodemus, Callie 1474 Red Ghost Riders
130 Esbenshade-Fritz, Shelvia 1882 White Clover Pride
248 Evans, Sadie 1948 Blue Ghost Riders
198 Hoopengardner, Mae 1985 Pink Ghost Riders
155 Fiorentino, Enzo 2006 Yellow Bedford Ghost Riders
129 Glass, Bailey 2378 Purple Wills Mountain Riders
346 Koontz, Keira 3773 Green Ghost Riders
170 Lang, Elaina 4294 Brown Ghost Riders
10: Junior Horse and Pony / English and Saddle Seat / 57: Hunter Under Saddle Ponies (14.2 and Under)
78 Sewalk, Olivia 412 Pink Bedford Wills Mountain Riders
95 Pratt, Claire 880 Red Bedford Ghost Riders
159 Kennard, Ariah 1159 Blue Ghost Riders
232 Foote, Jayden 1730 White Ghost Riders
128 Esbenshade-Fritz, Sharlotte 1857 Yellow Clover Pride
272 Gates, Isabella 2304 Green
10: Junior Horse and Pony / English and Saddle Seat / 58: Hunt Seat Equitation on the Flat, Senior
78 Sewalk, Olivia 413 Blue Bedford Wills Mountain Riders
130 Esbenshade-Fritz, Shelvia 1883 White Clover Pride
248 Evans, Sadie 1949 Red Ghost Riders
155 Fiorentino, Enzo 2007 Yellow Bedford Ghost Riders
129 Glass, Bailey 2379 Green Wills Mountain Riders
346 Koontz, Keira 3774 Pink Ghost Riders
10: Junior Horse and Pony / English and Saddle Seat / 59: Hunt Seat Equitation on the Flat, Junior
95 Pratt, Claire 881 Blue Bedford Ghost Riders
156 Echeverria, Ava 1118 Yellow Bedford Ghost Riders
159 Kennard, Ariah 1160 Red Ghost Riders
202 Nicodemus, Callie 1475 Purple Ghost Riders
232 Foote, Jayden 1731 Green Ghost Riders