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2024 Bedford County Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 501-550 of 3430
Results last updated at: 12/23/2024 10:42 AMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
10: 4-H Air Rifle and Air Pistol Contests / Air Pistol Contest / 06: Senior (13-18)- Standing, One Hand Hold, No Support
75 Beckett, Kailiee 384 Yellow Bedford Mountain Hollow
172 Bollman, Mikayla 1214 Purple Bedford Blazin Trails
181 Loy, Heaven 1297 White Bedford Mountain Hollow
183 Poraczky, Scarlet 1304 Green Bedford Mountain Hollow
184 Loy, Dakoda 1343 Purple Mountain Hollow
97 Lochner, Tiera 2861 Blue Mountain Hollow
445 Lynn, Karlie 3957 Red Raven Run
10: 4-H Air Rifle and Air Pistol Contests / Air Rifle Contest / 01: Novice (8-10)- Standing
12 Feather, Scott 28 Yellow Bedford Lovely Valley
154 Daugherty, Sadie 1098 Green Bedford Lovely Valley
180 Croner, Owen 1282 White Bedford Lovely Valley
290 Duggan, Ethan 2555 Tan Chapman's Run
320 Mearkle, April 2746 Brown Chapman's Run
319 Race, Raiden 2778 Orange Chapman's Run
413 Miller, Jessilyn 3754 Pink Lovely Valley
422 Feuillet, Evander 3847 Gray Chapman's Run
423 Leader, Jackson 3852 Lavender Chapman's Run
426 Oldham, Kash 3867 Blue Lovely Valley
440 Clark, Levi 3896 Red Raven Run
462 Feuillet, Beau 4312 Purple Chapman's Run
10: 4-H Air Rifle and Air Pistol Contests / Air Rifle Contest / 02: Novice (8-10)- Kneeling
12 Feather, Scott 29 Green Bedford Lovely Valley
154 Daugherty, Sadie 1099 Yellow Bedford Lovely Valley
180 Croner, Owen 1283 Blue Bedford Lovely Valley
290 Duggan, Ethan 2556 Tan Chapman's Run
320 Mearkle, April 2747 Brown Chapman's Run
319 Race, Raiden 2779 Orange Chapman's Run
413 Miller, Jessilyn 3755 Pink Lovely Valley
422 Feuillet, Evander 3848 Purple Chapman's Run
423 Leader, Jackson 3853 Gray Chapman's Run
426 Oldham, Kash 3868 White Lovely Valley
440 Clark, Levi 3897 Red Raven Run
462 Feuillet, Beau 4313 Lavender Chapman's Run
10: 4-H Air Rifle and Air Pistol Contests / Air Rifle Contest / 03: Novice Class (8-10)- Prone
12 Feather, Scott 30 Pink Bedford Lovely Valley
154 Daugherty, Sadie 1100 Green Bedford Lovely Valley
180 Croner, Owen 1284 Yellow Bedford Lovely Valley
320 Mearkle, April 2748 Brown Chapman's Run
319 Race, Raiden 2780 Gray Chapman's Run
413 Miller, Jessilyn 3756 Purple Lovely Valley
422 Feuillet, Evander 3849 Lavender Chapman's Run
423 Leader, Jackson 3854 Orange Chapman's Run
426 Oldham, Kash 3869 Red Lovely Valley
440 Clark, Levi 3898 White Raven Run
446 Warren, Ryland 3964 Blue Raven Run
462 Feuillet, Beau 4314 Tan Chapman's Run
10: 4-H Air Rifle and Air Pistol Contests / Air Rifle Contest / 04: Junior (11-12)- Standing
32 Wakefield, Lane 152 Pink Friends Cove Livestock
34 Houck, Abigail 158 Blue Raven Run
153 Daugherty, Blake 1090 White Bedford Lovely Valley
178 Glessner, Tenley 1254 Yellow Bedford Mountain Hollow
291 Houston, Vivian 2547 Green Chapman's Run
441 Cloud, Mason 3904 Red Raven Run
10: 4-H Air Rifle and Air Pistol Contests / Air Rifle Contest / 05: Junior (11-12)- Kneeling
32 Wakefield, Lane 153 Pink Friends Cove Livestock