4-H Families,

Welcome to LaPorte County FairEntry. This system is for entering all of your 4-H projects that you plan on exhibiting at the 2025 LaPorte County Fair. To sign in, please use the same user name and password as you do to sign into 4HOnline. Here are a few reminders:

  • You must be an approved member in 4HOnline prior to any entries on this site.
  • The deadline for entering exhibits and animals entries is FRIDAY, JUNE 13th!
  • Please be sure to hit the Blue SUBMIT button when done entering; you will only see your entries when this has been done.
  • There is a payment section, however, no fees collected on this site.
  • There are no open class exhibits on this site.

If you have any questions, please call the Purdue Extension Office at 219-324-9407

4-H Exhibitor and 4-H Staff Sign-In

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