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2024 WyCo 4-H Summer Showcase

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Viewing records 151-200 of 598
Results last updated at: 12/23/2024 11:38 AM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
4-H Building Exhibits / Shooting Sports / 01: Educational Display
32 Geist, Anson 380 BB Gun Shooting Positions Purple Reserve Grand Champion Class Wyandotte County Piper
4-H Building Exhibits / Shooting Sports / 04: Shooting Aid or Accessory
36 Streit, Andrew 450 Shot Block Purple Grand Champion Class Wyandotte County Nearman
4-H Building Exhibits / Shopping in Style / 02: Intermediate, Ages 10-13
15 Simcakova, Anna Sophia 119 n/a Purple Wyandotte County
33 Geist, Ellen 544 Black Sheath Dress Purple Reserve Grand Champion Class Wyandotte County Piper
33 Geist, Ellen 545 Pink shorts and top Purple Grand Champion Class Wyandotte County Piper
4-H Building Exhibits / Table Place Setting / 01: Table Setting -(formal or casual) / 01.b: Intermediate ages 9-13
14 Sidwell, Miriam 91 n/a Blue Reserve Grand Champion Class Wyandotte County Homestead
15 Simcakova, Anna Sophia 116 n/a Blue Wyandotte County
5 Cashion, Johnny 318 n/a Blue Wyandotte County Homestead
31 Decker, Lyle 366 1 Blue Wyandotte County Homestead
4-H Building Exhibits / Vegetables / 01: Beans, Green Snap, Plate of 12
32 Geist, Anson 564 Green Beans Red Wyandotte County Piper
4-H Building Exhibits / Vegetables / 03: Beets, Table, Plate of 5
54 Swarner, Nathan 710 . Red Wyandotte County Piper
4-H Building Exhibits / Vegetables / 04: Cabbage, 1 Head
53 Balandron, Sofia 671 Head of Cabbage Purple Wyandotte County Piper
55 Balandron, Noah 694 Head of cabbage Purple Grand Champion Class Wyandotte County Piper
4-H Building Exhibits / Vegetables / 10: Onion, Red (Plate of 5)
53 Balandron, Sofia 674 Red Onion White Wyandotte County Piper
55 Balandron, Noah 697 Red onion Red Wyandotte County Piper
54 Swarner, Nathan 707 . Red Wyandotte County Piper
56 Swarner, Zach 726 . Red Wyandotte County Piper
4-H Building Exhibits / Vegetables / 11: Onion, White (Plate of 5)
54 Swarner, Nathan 708 . Blue Wyandotte County Piper
4-H Building Exhibits / Vegetables / 12: Onion, Yellow (Plate of 5)
53 Balandron, Sofia 676 Yellow onion White Wyandotte County Piper
55 Balandron, Noah 699 Yellow onion White Wyandotte County Piper
54 Swarner, Nathan 709 . Purple Wyandotte County Piper
4-H Building Exhibits / Vegetables / 14: Peppers, Mango or Bell (Plate of 5)
53 Balandron, Sofia 677 Green Bell Pepper Purple Wyandotte County Piper
55 Balandron, Noah 700 Green bell pepper Blue Wyandotte County Piper
54 Swarner, Nathan 712 . Purple Wyandotte County Piper
56 Swarner, Zach 730 . Blue Wyandotte County Piper
4-H Building Exhibits / Vegetables / 15: Peppers, Hot (Plate of 5)
54 Swarner, Nathan 711 . Blue Wyandotte County Piper
56 Swarner, Zach 731 . Purple Wyandotte County Piper
4-H Building Exhibits / Vegetables / 17: Potatoes, White (5 Specimen)
56 Swarner, Zach 732 . Blue Wyandotte County Piper
4-H Building Exhibits / Vegetables / 23: Tomatoes, Red (Plate of 5)
32 Geist, Anson 382 Roma Tomatoes Red Wyandotte County Piper
32 Geist, Anson 384 Beefsteak Red Wyandotte County Piper
4-H Building Exhibits / Vegetables / 25: Tomatoes, Cherry (Plate of 5)
32 Geist, Anson 383 Cherry Tomatoes Purple Reserve Grand Champion Class Wyandotte County Piper
53 Balandron, Sofia 680 Cherry Tomatoes Purple Wyandotte County Piper
55 Balandron, Noah 703 Cherry tomatoes Red Wyandotte County Piper
4-H Building Exhibits / Vegetables / 30: Any Other Vegetable
32 Geist, Anson 390 Garlic Purple Wyandotte County Piper
32 Geist, Anson 534 Zucchini Blue Wyandotte County Piper
53 Balandron, Sofia 681 Zucchini Blue Wyandotte County Piper
53 Balandron, Sofia 682 Yellow squash Blue Wyandotte County Piper
55 Balandron, Noah 704 Zucchini Purple Wyandotte County Piper
55 Balandron, Noah 705 Yellow squash Purple Wyandotte County Piper
54 Swarner, Nathan 715 Garlic Purple Wyandotte County Piper
56 Swarner, Zach 734 Garlic Purple Wyandotte County Piper
4-H Building Exhibits / Veterinary Science / 01: 4-H Veterinary Science Large Animal Poster, Notebook, or Display
19 Young, Amber 178 Notebook Purple Grand Champion Class Wyandotte County Nearman
4-H Building Exhibits / Visual Arts / 01: Fine Arts
28 Anderson, Marcus 323 Camel Collage Purple Wyandotte County Homestead
4-H Building Exhibits / Visual Arts / 01: Fine Arts / 01.b: Intermediate ages 9-13
14 Sidwell, Miriam 83 Stacked Tea Cups Blue Wyandotte County Homestead
14 Sidwell, Miriam 84 Aurora Trees (purple and white) Blue Wyandotte County Homestead
14 Sidwell, Miriam 85 Checkered Shamrock Blue Wyandotte County Homestead
15 Simcakova, Anna Sophia 94 Water color sunflowers Purple Wyandotte County Homestead
15 Simcakova, Anna Sophia 95 multi-media gingerbread house Blue Wyandotte County Homestead
15 Simcakova, Anna Sophia 97 Watercolor Wolf Blue Wyandotte County Homestead
15 Simcakova, Anna Sophia 99 Pom Pom Camel- multi color Blue Wyandotte County Homestead