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2024 North Dakota State Fair - FFA

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 5651-5700 of 17130
Results last updated at: 12/23/2024 12:23 PM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Educational / Safety Exhibits / 30: Poster
2089 McKay, Daviney 6949 Wanted Poster Red Beulah FFA
2093 Schulz, Koral 6960 Wanted Poster Red Beulah FFA
2096 Alexander, Clarisa 6966 Wanted Poster Blue Beulah FFA
2099 Sailer, Paige 6974 Wanted Poster Red Beulah FFA
2102 Soland, Harley 6980 Wanted Poster Blue Reserve Champion Beulah FFA
2103 Askim, Taryn 6983 Wanted Poster Blue Beulah FFA
2092 Kitzman, Anna 15214 Wanted Poster Red Beulah FFA
2539 Mace, Cody 17622 Oxyacetylene flames White Mohall FFA
2536 Thompson, Colby 17623 Oxyacetylene flames Red Mohall FFA
2547 Degenstein, Aidan 17624 Oxyacetylene flames White Mohall FFA
2545 Nett, Grady 17625 Oxyacetylene flames White Mohall FFA
2550 Siegrist, Easton 17626 Oxyacetylene flames White Mohall FFA
2534 Peterson, William 17627 Oxyacetylene flames White Mohall FFA
2533 Lakefield, Karlee 17628 Oxyacetylene flames Blue Mohall FFA
2548 Undlin, Eli 17629 Oxyacetylene flames White Mohall FFA
2537 Lynch, Brian 17630 Oxyacetylene flames White Mohall FFA
2543 Thompson, Alexander 17631 Oxyacetylene flames White Mohall FFA
2546 Eide, Jacob 17632 Oxyacetylene flames Blue Mohall FFA
2540 Battles, Dylon 17633 Oxyacetylene flames White Mohall FFA
2549 Heisler, Carson 17634 Oxyacetylene flames White Mohall FFA
2542 Buynak, Reese 17635 Oxyacetylene flames Red Mohall FFA
2544 Beck, Reyden 17636 Oxyacetylene flames Red Mohall FFA
2551 Weathers, Cloe 17637 Oxyacetylene flames Blue Mohall FFA
2538 Espeseth, Mercedes 17638 Oxyacetylene flames White Mohall FFA
2541 Tarvestad, Evan 17639 Oxyacetylene flames White Mohall FFA
2552 Anderson, Ryland 17641 Oxyacetylene flames White Mohall FFA
3680 Villaneda, Crisabella 17739 Animal Care- Emergency response poster Blue Minot FFA
3573 Cummock, Chloe 17746 Animal Care- Emergency response poster Blue Grand Champion Minot FFA
Educational / Teaching Aides / 60: Ag related PPT containing +10 content slides.
117 Austin, Alex 27 My Deciduous Trees PP Blue Ward Minot FFA
52 Hoffer-Gray, Ophelia 28 Trees Of North Dakota PP White Ward Minot FFA
40 Officer, Jennings 29 Tree Project PP Blue Ward Minot FFA
85 Schon, Trance 30 My Tree and Leaf Collection PP Blue Ward Minot FFA
67 Eddy, Caleah 31 My Tree Collection Blue Ward Minot FFA
12 Brentrup, Caleb 54 Leafs and Trees Blue Minot FFA
115 Ackerman, Jillian 55 Perennial Flowers Blue Ward Minot FFA
13 Cardwell, Taylor 57 Systems and Organs Red Minot FFA
16 Reinhard, Taylor 58 Animal Systems and Organs Red Minot FFA
106 Getzlaff, Ashlynn 59 Annual Flower Collection Blue Ward Minot FFA
88 Bruce, McKenzie 60 Animal Systems Blue Ward Minot FFA
56 Burlison, Ariana 61 Tree Project White Ward Minot FFA
123 Cantone, Riley 62 Annual Flower Collection Red Ward Minot FFA
108 DeLabio, Amelia 63 10 Careers in Botany PP Blue Ward Minot FFA
94 Dosch, Owen 64 Tree Powerpoint PP Red Ward Minot FFA
55 Duncklee, Lucas 65 Prennials - LucasDuncklee PP Red Minot FFA
122 Dull, Kara 66 My Perennial Collection PP Blue Ward Minot FFA
116 Grosche, Chayse 68 Career Choices in Botany PP White Ward Minot FFA
21 Greathouse, Alison 69 My Annual Flower Collection Blue Minot FFA
74 Gathman, Luke 70 Tree Leaf Assignment Blue Ward Minot FFA
93 Dunstan, Carter 71 Evergreen Tree Collection Blue Ward Minot FFA
102 Gutierrez-Cano, Fernando 73 Benefical Insects PP Red Ward Minot FFA