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2024 Pierce County Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 1101-1150 of 5557
Results last updated at: 12/23/2024 10:55 AM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
.Adult Open Floral / What's in Your Yard - Photo / 2: Single Flower
661 Rico, Martin 6798 flower Blue
425 Granger, Sherre 6898 Blue
665 Rico, Misty 6942 flower Red
665 Rico, Misty 6943 flower Red
665 Rico, Misty 6944 flower Blue
665 Rico, Misty 6945 flower Red
665 Rico, Misty 6946 flower Red
.Adult Open Floral / What's in Your Yard - Photo / 3: Multiple Flowers, Different Kinds of Flowers
543 Swanberg, Cynthia 5703 Shasta daisies and yellow roses Red
548 Nelson, Jean Nette 5713 geranium & petunias Blue
623 Pempeck, Linda 6251 multiple flowers of different kinds Red Pierce
425 Granger, Sherre 6899 Blue
.Adult Open Floral / What's in Your Yard - Photo / 4: Red, White & Blue Flowers
281 King, Gretchen 2595 Blue bearded iris Red Pierce
281 King, Gretchen 2596 white peony Red Pierce
543 Swanberg, Cynthia 5696 Feverfew , Hydrangea, Shasta daisy, rose petals Blue
623 Pempeck, Linda 6252 red, white & blue flowers Blue Pierce
645 Thompson, Sue 6644 photo Red
.Adult Open Photography / Adult Advanced Amateur (18 years & older) / 1: Action
387 Craig, Kathleen 3953 Antique Extinguisher Blue
530 Kotas, Angela 5447 Hoops Blue
569 Quirie, Heather 5817 Soccer Blue
604 Richardson-McBee, Kelly 6122 Stone Skippers - Two people skipping a rock on the Tacoma Narrows at sunset Blue Pierce
.Adult Open Photography / Adult Advanced Amateur (18 years & older) / 2: Animals
240 Wise, Bethany 2228 Gosling in hand Blue Pierce
240 Wise, Bethany 2229 Gray and white lop eared bunny Blue Pierce
240 Wise, Bethany 2230 Black and white frizzle chicken Red Pierce
348 Perez, Laura 4880 Girl and horse reacting Blue Pierce
398 Taylor, Angela 5038 The Watcher in the Woods Blue
348 Perez, Laura 5174 Candid girl and horse Blue Pierce
5 Lawton, Nancy 5202 “Lu Lu” Photo of a dog Blue
398 Taylor, Angela 5427 Snugly Feline Blue
530 Kotas, Angela 5448 Hello Blue
558 Hoover, Kristi 5760 Black horse head with bridle Blue
558 Hoover, Kristi 5761 2 brown and white dogs in dirt Blue
558 Hoover, Kristi 5762 Brown & white dog on haystack Blue
569 Quirie, Heather 5818 Rosie Blue
569 Quirie, Heather 5819 Olivia Blue
578 Mastin, Anita 5840 Lamb Red
550 Ingalls, Monica 6090 frog Red
550 Ingalls, Monica 6092 dog Blue
.Adult Open Photography / Adult Advanced Amateur (18 years & older) / 3: Creative
5 Lawton, Nancy 5445 Icicle Wonders Blue
532 Brandt, Cynthia 5507 Shadow of Myself Blue Pierce
.Adult Open Photography / Adult Advanced Amateur (18 years & older) / 4: Flowers / Plants / Trees
462 Comer, Karen 5052 Found along a trail Blue
7 Lawton, Jonathan 5415 Mountain Tree Red
530 Kotas, Angela 5449 Daisy Blue
534 Mahan, Alta 5537 Up close of a dandelion Blue Pierce
534 Mahan, Alta 5538 Wall of pumpkins Blue Pierce
578 Mastin, Anita 5841 Pink flowering Cherry tree Blue
550 Ingalls, Monica 6091 Red
.Adult Open Photography / Adult Advanced Amateur (18 years & older) / 5: People
532 Brandt, Cynthia 5504 Man with Icy Hair Blue Pierce
560 sumner, janey 5775 boy in the water Blue
593 Schulz, Leiloni 5940 Self portrait taken with a DSLR - "Self Portrait Warrior Style" - yoga pose Red
593 Schulz, Leiloni 5941 "Bright Eyes" photo take of my daughter with my cell phone after she went behind a waterfall Blue