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2024 Sauk County Junior Fair

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Viewing records 1901-1950 of 2837
Results last updated at: 12/23/2024 10:53 AM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
18-Cultural Arts / Other Crafts / 00252: Woodcraft Item
342 Taggart, Ruby 2995 Red Sauk Webster's Prairie
18-Cultural Arts / Other Crafts / 00253: Plant Craft Article
138 Clingerman, Marcella 3102 Blue Sauk Endeavor
18-Cultural Arts / Other Crafts / 00254: Dream Catcher
143 Miller, Lydia 1114 Blue Sauk Webster's Prairie
144 Miller, Emelynn 1255 Blue Sauk Webster's Prairie
149 Bussan, Avery 1365 Blue Sauk Sauk-Prairie Earthlings
18-Cultural Arts / Other Crafts / 00255: Homemade Soap-2 bars
342 Taggart, Ruby 2997 Red Sauk Webster's Prairie
347 Taggart, Holden 3057 Blue Sauk Webster's Prairie
339 Hess, Sloan 3278 Red Sauk Boys and Girls Club
18-Cultural Arts / Other Crafts / 00256: Homemade hand lotion, etc
347 Taggart, Holden 3059 Blue Sauk Webster's Prairie
339 Hess, Sloan 3279 Blue Sauk Boys and Girls Club
18-Cultural Arts / Other Crafts / 00257: Any other item
37 Brickl, Briann 185 Blue Sauk Prairie Busy Badgers
70 Bar, Colleen 408 Blue Sauk Skillet Creek
72 Weiland, Lily 513 Red Sauk Circus City
100 Schoenhard, Lila 645 Merit Award Sauk Skillet Creek
100 Schoenhard, Lila 645 Blue Sauk Skillet Creek
106 La Brec, Salem 724 Blue Sauk Skillet Creek
143 Miller, Lydia 1109 Blue Sauk Webster's Prairie
151 Weiland, Aaden 1208 Red Sauk Circus City
144 Miller, Emelynn 1254 Red Sauk Webster's Prairie
192 Hanson, Brynn 1654 Blue Sauk Active Strivers
152 Teasdale, Joanna 1701 Blue Sauk Webster's Prairie
92 Moreland, Mia 1789 Blue Sauk Jolly Beavers
257 LeFevre, Felix 2245 Red Sauk Church of Latter-day Saints Youth Group
26 LeFevre, Glacier 2262 Blue Sauk Church of Latter-day Saints Youth Group
297 Lindloff, Payten 2579 Blue Sauk Mirror Lake
301 Yanke, Laura 2616 Merit Award Sauk Active Strivers
301 Yanke, Laura 2616 Blue Sauk Active Strivers
308 Maston, Mariah 2668 Blue Sauk Skillet Creek
309 Richards, Kathryn 2675 Blue Sauk Prairie Busy Badgers
268 Stanek, Zynita 2774 Blue Sauk Endeavor
255 Thering, Clayton 2882 Blue Sauk Happy Hustlers
342 Taggart, Ruby 2998 Judge's Award Sauk Webster's Prairie
342 Taggart, Ruby 2998 Blue Sauk Webster's Prairie
346 Cummings, Stella 3021 Blue Sauk Skillet Creek
359 Klang, Adeline 3231 Red Sauk Mirror Lake
306 Sorg, Jaelyn 3250 Blue Sauk Prairie Busy Badgers
361 Sorg, Tenley 3305 Blue Sauk Prairie Busy Badgers
367 Boyd, John Raymond 3358 Blue Sauk Mirror Lake
373 Louis, Adam 3407 Blue Sauk Sauk-Prairie Earthlings
375 Louis, Owen 3423 Blue Sauk Sauk-Prairie Earthlings
335 Klemp, Aspen 3536 Blue Sauk Narrows Creek
381 Ferstl, Emma 3737 Blue Sauk Narrows Creek
77 McKichan, Rylee 3968 Blue Sauk
18-Cultural Arts / Other Crafts / 00258 Needle Felting article
342 Taggart, Ruby 3000 Blue Sauk Webster's Prairie
339 Hess, Sloan 3282 Red Sauk Boys and Girls Club
18-Cultural Arts / Paintings / 00004: Oil - Other
168 Bussan, Rylee 1406 Blue Sauk Sauk-Prairie Earthlings
18-Cultural Arts / Paintings / 00006: Watercolor - Scenic
11 Gasser, Emily 45 Blue Sauk Active Strivers
70 Bar, Colleen 409 Blue Sauk Skillet Creek
72 Weiland, Lily 501 Red Sauk Circus City
132 VandeZande, Zoey 969 Blue Sauk Endeavor